PA Taxi Cab Accident Lawyers
If you’ve been involved in an accident as a passenger in a taxi cab, there are steps of action that need to be taken to receive proper and prompt payment of your medical expenses and lost wages in addition to compensation for your pain and suffering. Claims are evaluated on a case-to-case basis, making each scenario completely unique. Here is some basic information on the subject. However, if this ever happens to you, you should immediately contact a personal injury attorney such as Linda M. Shick, Esquire at Naftulin & Shick to ensure that you receive the benefits to which you are entitled.
Accident where Cab is at Fault: If you are an insured on a policy of automobile insurance and are injured in an accident while a passenger in a taxi cab, then your automobile insurance policy will cover your medical bills up to the limits of your medical benefits coverage. If the limits of that coverage is spent on your care, then your health insurance carrier will pay your medical bills in accordance with your policy provisions. Any medical bills not otherwise covered should be paid by the insurance carrier for the at fault taxi cab.
- The insurance carrier for the at fault taxi cab is also responsible for your compensatory damages, that is, money for your pain and suffering.
- However, if the taxi cab is not covered by a policy of automobile insurance, then hopefully you have Uninsured Motorist or UM coverage on your policy of insurance, as that is what will cover compensation for your harm. It is extremely important that you carry adequate Underinsured/Uninsured Motorist coverage on your policy of automobile insurance.
- Another important selection you make when purchasing automobile insurance is FULL TORT or LIMITED TORT. In all instances, only chose FULL TORT on your policy. If you chose LIMITED TORT, in this scenario, you will be afforded FULL TORT status as a cab is a commercial vehicle. Thus you can pursue a claim for pain and suffering damages against the at fault cab.
If you are not insured by a policy of automobile insurance, then the insurance company for the at fault cab is responsible for your medical bills, wage loss, and compensation for your pain and suffering up to the limits of their policy provisions.
Accident where Third Party is at Fault: If you are an insured on a policy of automobile insurance and are injured in an accident while a passenger in a taxi cab, then your automobile insurance policy will cover your medical bills up to the limits of your medical benefits coverage. If the limits of that coverage is spent on your care, then your health insurance carrier will pay your medical bills in accordance with your policy provisions. Any medical bills not otherwise covered should be paid by the insurance carrier for the at fault third party carrier.
If you are not insured by a policy of automobile insurance, then the insurance company for the cab in which you were a passenger is responsible for your medical bills and wage loss, up to the limits of their coverage. Compensation for your pain and suffering is covered by the automobile insurance policy of the at fault driver.
As we said, every case is different, so if you’ve been involved in a taxi cab accident, give us a call (215-348-5455) for a free consultation regarding your potential case.