Uninsured Driver Ran Red Light and Hit Me. Who Will Pay for my Car and Compensation?

If you are hurt, through no fault of your own, by the negligence of an Uninsured driver, you have to rely on the coverage you purchased for your car. Hopefully you purchased collision coverage to pay for the repairs to your car. If you didn’t, then there is no insurance to cover that claim and you will have to try and recover the damages directly from the uninsured driver and/or owner of the striking vehicle.
If you suffered a physical injury, your insurance carrier will pay your related medical expenses up to the limit of the benefits you purchased. Your carrier will also pay wage loss benefits if you purchased that coverage.
If you purchased Underinsured Motorist benefits, you can make a claim for pain and suffering compensation under that provision of your policy.
You should contact a competent personal injury attorney to review the facts of the accident and the available insurance benefits.
Having adequate insurance coverage is business you should attend to BEFORE you are involved in an accident and need to make a claim.