I Fell Down Steps with no Handrail in a Restaurant. Do I Have a Case?

The stairway you describe sounds very dangerous. There are codes and standards by which a property owner is required to have a railing. Cities, States, Townships and Counties have codes such as BOCA that set standards to be followed in residential and commercial settings. Since your fall-down occurred in restaurant, there are commercial building standards that apply.
When someone slips, falls, and suffers injury because of an other’s negligence, an attorney familiar with premises liability accidents can help. Victims can obtain compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.
An experienced personal injury lawyer can assess the incident, communicate with the property owners, negotiate with insurers, locate witnesses and experts to testify for the plaintiff, and if required, present the case at trial.
At Naftulin and Shick, P.C. we are experienced with representing individuals who have been injured as a result of the negligence of home owners and business owners in not meeting the standards set by building codes and standards.
If you or a loved one has been hurt, call us for a free consultation at 1-215-348-5455 or email us at [email protected].