The Car that Hit Me Left the Scene – What Should I Do?

If you find yourself in this situation, you must immediately report the accident to the police. Provide them with all of the information that you can so that they can find the other driver and vehicle. Also, immediately report the accident to your insurance company. If the police are unable to locate the other vehicle or driver that caused the accident, your only source of recovery for your injuries and damages is your insurance policy.
In Pennsylvania, your automobile insurance policy provides medical benefits whether you were hurt as a result of someone else’s negligence or because you caused the accident. Your carrier will also provide wage loss benefits, collision and replacement vehicle rental if you purchased those coverages regardless of who caused the crash.
If the person who caused the accident cannot be located, or does not have automobile insurance, your carrier will provide compensation for your pain and suffering if you purchased uninsured motorist benefits. In most situations, your selection of full or limited tort will apply to your uninsured motorist coverage too. Make sure that your policy provides for FULL TORT coverage, uninsured motorist benefits and underinsured motorist benefits. You should have your policy reviewed for adequate coverage.
Hopefully you will never be hurt in an accident, but in the event you or a family member are injured, it is important that your policy provides adequate coverage. People often call us after they have been injured in an accident and are very surprised to find that the “full coverage” they thought they had is not providing adequate benefits. After an accident happens, it is too late to purchase that coverage.
Call us if you would like to discuss your coverage. If you have been injured in an accident, we can help you get justice. You can reach us at 215-348-5455. Send an e-mail to [email protected]. Consultations are free. Make sure you have enough coverage to protect yourself and your loved ones.